This Project is built with the guidelines of NGSS and Colorado Academic Standards for Science for grades 3-5. Follow these links for more information.
Welcome to the KidSpace Launch Lunar Greenhouse Project. A virtual Problem Based Learning adventure for kids in grades 3-5. This PBL is designed to meet the NGSS and Colorado State Academic standards.

KidSpace Launch concluded the virtual Lunar Greenhouse Project in May of 2021. KidSpace Launch connected scientists from aerospace, geology, astronomy, space weather, engineering, and satellite mapping with students and scouts in the Colorado region in a virtual project to go to the moon and establish a moon base and greenhouse.
Students learned about the challenges of space exploration and human survivability. Experts in the fields of STEM gave virtual presentations direct to the groups and fielded questions about their specific areas of interest and their personal paths to STEM. Collaboration between STEM professionals, schools and organizations provides direct inspiration to students at a critical time in their educational careers.
KidSpace Launch is committed to inspiring kids to pursue STEM careers through our educational programs. Thank you to all that helped make The Lunar Greenhouse Project an inspiration to over 100 children during the worst time in our educational history!
The Lunar Greenhouse Project is a free online PBL for kids in grades 3-5. It can be used by schools, home schools or individuals looking for a fun STEM project for their kids.
KidSpace Launch is a nonprofit educational organization that survives on the generosity of its patrons. If you like this project and would like to see more projects like this one, please consider donating and helping us continue producing free STEM education for the community. KidSpace is a Colorado registered charity and a 501c3 company. You contributions are tax deductible.

The Lunar Greenhouse Project
A Problem Based
Virtual Learning Project
Stage 1 | Explore the Moon
Read about NASA’s mission Artemis, with its goal to return to the moon starting in 2021!
Learn about the challenges facing lunar base operations.
Watch videos about the project.
Stage 2 | Engage
Meet engineers and scientists working on space missions and learn more space exploration!
Take a virtual tour of facilities where Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) is happening now!
Stage 3 | Design your Lunar Greenhouse
Design your own Lunar Greenhouse to feed its new colonists.
Consider the following: the energy source, how the base will be constructed, the life-support system, food, entertainment, the purpose and function, and other things you think would be important. Then do the following:
1. Draw and/or build a model of your base using recycled materials.
2. Discuss with your counselor what people would need to survive on the moon.
Get feedback from a panel of professionals, educators and leaders that will help you make it even better.
Stage 4 | The Presentation
Part of being a great designer is being able to present your work.
Present your design to a panel of professionals in STEM fields.
Start your path to a STEM career field!

Let’s Get Started!
Click on the links below to start your journey.
Stage 1 | Explore the Moon
Stage 3 | Design your Lunar Greenhouse
Stage 2 | Engage
Stage 4 | The Presentation
KidSpace Launch is not an affiliate or endorsed by any government or private space agency. KidSpace is not endorsed by any school district. These are sources of information that we preview and consider appropriate for children. We strongly advise adults preview the material before allowing children to view to ensure they agree with the content. KidSpace launch is not responsible for and cannot control content on other websites or links from other websites.