Encyclopedia Brittanica
European Space Agency for Kids
Earth’s Moon fact links

Excellent explanation on the Moon’s rotation around the Earth.  

Let’s Get Started!

The Key Challenges

Before you start researching, discuss your own ideas with a group, your parents or teachers! There are no WRONG answers! Let your imagination guide you.

1) Shelter. Where do you want to put your moonbase and its Lunar Greenhouse? The moon has some dangerous challenges to overcome!

2) Energy. The moon has limited resources for producing energy to power the lights, computers, and machines to make life possible. Explore your options and pick one or multiple sources of power.

3) Food. The key to this project is HOW do we grow food on the moon???

Earth’s Moon fact links

Now let’s start doing some research!

Research is digging for answers from experts in a subject. Be sure to ask an adult for help in finding real experts and sources of information.

Answer the following questions:

1) Where is the Moon?
2) What’s it like on the Moon?
3) Is there life on the Moon?
4) Does the Moon have air to breathe?
5) Does the Moon have water to drink?
6) Is it safe for humans on the Moon?
7) Does the Moon have power for lights?
8) How can humans live on the moon?

Now how do we solve these problems?
You are the scientists in charge of building this greenhouse. Problems are only obstacles for us to find a way around. Remember!!! 
Your ideas could lead to a real solution, so use your imagination freely! Let’s fix the problem!!!

These are just a few of many sources of information. Start here and then keep digging! Have an adult help you find good sources of information.  Not everything on the internet is true or correct.  You should have at least two sources that agree on the same answers before you use it in a project.

Home Page

Stage 3 | Design your Lunar Greenhouse

Stage 2 | Engage

Stage 4 | The Presentation

KidSpace Launch is not an affiliate or endorsed by any government or private space agency. KidSpace is not endorsed by the BSA or any school district.  These are sources of information that we preview and consider appropriate for children. We strongly advise adults preview the material before allowing children to view to ensure they agree with the content. KidSpace launch is not responsible for and cannot control content on other websites or links from other websites.

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