KidSpace, Inc.
Agreement & Policies
Summer Camps/Field Trips/Parent’s Night Out Programs
By placing your children in a KidSpace Launch program, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- For drop off programs, Please be at KidSpace on time to pick up your child. KidSpace asks that parents be at KidSpace no later than the assigned pick up time. You agree to pay the late pick-up fee of $10.00 during the first 1-3 minutes after KidSpace closes and an additional $1.00 fee for each one-minute increment after that time. The late fee applies to each child (i.e. if you are two minutes late and have three kids, you would own $30.00). If you have not made contact with KidSpace thirty minutes past closing and KidSpace is unable to reach an emergency contact to pick up your child, KidSpace is legally required to call the Department of Social Services and/or local authorities and may be required to turn your children over to such entity.
- You agree that no amendment or waiver of any part of this agreement shall be effective unless same as in writing by you and KidSpace.
- You agree and acknowledge that should your child pose a danger to others at KidSpace or if your behavior reflects negatively on KidSpace or the services rendered by KidSpace, KidSpace may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate this Agreement upon written notice to us and require that you immediately pick up your child from KidSpace.
- If your child becomes sick at KidSpace, you are required to pick him/her up in a timely manner.
- KidSpace Launch is not equipped with or staffed by medical personnel. The staff of KidSpace launch are NOT permitted to administer medical treatments including but not limited to medications. In the vent of a medical emergency, KidSpace Launch staff will contact the proper emergency medical services. You give consent for all necessary emergency medical care and treatment, and you agree to pay all charges in connection with such treatment. This includes all doctor, hospital, emergency vehicle, and similar services.
- This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado without regard to any conflict of law statutes and that the State Courts of Colorado located in Jefferson County shall be the sole venue and jurisdiction for the bringing of such action.
- You agree to provide a meal for your child to eat while your child is at KidSpace unless otherwise stated in the prgram you are participating in. If you did not provide a meal, you agree that you must pay for the meal provided by KidSpace.
- You agree and acknowledge that KidSpace is not allergy free. In addition, you acknowledge KidSpace is not a nut-free environment.
- You agree and acknowledge that KidSpace will not provide any medications to your child unless required or life saving measures. If your child takes any medication, please administer it to your child before or after your child attends any KidSpace Launch program.
- You agree and acknowledge that if KidSpace believes that you are intoxicated or otherwise unable to safely take possession of your child, KidSpace may deny your child being turned over to you and call the law enforcement authorities to determine the best place for your child.