The Planetarium/ Stellarium is for schools, libraries and other nonprofit community organizations for the benefit of children ages 0 – 10 years of age. This program does not come to residences. Private companies interested in large events for community enrichment are welcome. To Book a Planetarium/Stellarium outreach show please email
Saturn Ring World
Two Small Pieces of Glass
Journey to the Centre of the Milky Way
IBEX-Search for the Edge of the Solar System
Losing the Dark
Back to the Moon for Good
From Earth to the Universe
Flight Adventure
New Horizons for a Little Planet
Mayan Archeoastronomy
NASA Journey to Mars
The Hot and Energetic Universe
Phantom of the Universe
The Dark Matter Mystery
plus more to come…
For a copy of the educator’s guide to the above shows simply click on the show.
You can check out some of the e-planetarium shows online at:
The e-planetarium is designed for sitting on the floor to watch the shows. There is limited seating area available at the rear of the planetarium for those who cannot sit on the floor. ADA compliant.